Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Next stop; Kansas.

I'm Chelsea, welcome. I'm a stay at home mom (for now) I have a little boy, Landen, he's almost 8 months young. My husband, Peter is in the Army. I'm new to the military life.. So far.. it's been.. rough. Rough doesn't quite describe it completely. It's been.. fun, frustrating, complicated, and a definite "hurry up and wait" situation (go figure, right?).

Anyway; Peter just joined the Army in March. His training is in Arizona, he graduates soon! Thankfully! I'm ready to live with my husband again. From AZ we are off to Kansas. You see, Kansas is going to bring a lot of change, for the better! We're buying a house, I'm applying to nursing school, and more importantly I get to live with my husband again! Having my family back together will be the ultimate perk to moving. 

I'll be happy to leave Arizona.. Not that this is a terrible state (forgive me if you live in AZ :-*)  It's just got bugs that look like they've been on steroids their whole life. And it rains nearly every day. Whoever said Arizona was a giant hot flat state is wrong. First off, there are mountains all around me, and well like I said, it rains nearly everyday. I just bought myself a Canon 60D DSLR & I want to use it! But the only time its overcast is right before it rains. I'm pretty sure Landen doesn't want to sit in the rain to let mom play with her new camera. I wish though! I'm not planning on becoming a photographer but I'd like to get decent enough to take my own pictures of Landen. In the first 6 months, I spent a ton of money on pictures! 

(5 weeks) -- I'd say it was worth it! :)

(8 weeks <3)

You get the idea.. I'll drown you in more pictures of him later. I'm off to do.. something.. There is always something to do when you're a mommy.